Thursday, July 3, 2008

Last Day of 2nd Grade

Well, despite the year's events, somehow we made it through the school year? Thank you to all my silent helpers that picked up my slack and filled in when necessary. Lacey did fabulous in 2nd grade! She is a superstar at math and has excelled with her reading. I am so proud of her study habits and hard work. She is such a wonderful daughter; I am lucky to be her mommy!

At this point, the camera is handed over the Lacey to capture her memories from Mrs. Wright's 2nd Grade Class. Hope she's not interested in pursuing photography?

(Hey, it's 3am and I don't care that the picture is turned. I'm just glad to have it posted :)
This is Lacey with her best bud, Joelle! They have been in every class since kindergarten together.

This is Ms. Liz, teachers' assistant, for Mrs. Wright. She loves Lacey, says she reminds her of herself when she was young. Carefree and social!


Kelli said...

How cute are these kiddos! Congrats Lacey!

Nikki said...

That is so crazy how fast these girls are growing. What happend to kindergarteen